Friday, 5 June 2015

Tagging what is in a Revit Key Schedule

I have been endlessly frustrated by the fact that you cannot include shared parameters in Key Schedules in Revit.  This means that anything you put into a key schedule can only be used in other schedules - it cannot ever be tagged.
Or so I thought. . . . .

I recently discovered that you can add some system parameters to key schedules, which means that you can use those in schedules and tag them too.  As with most things Revit, the rules for this are weird and (not so) wonderful.

Rule no. 1:   

Shared parameters, have a secret GUID that ensures their uniqueness - you have to add them to schedules by picking them from a list of already available parameters or by adding them from the shared parameter list.  Likewise system parameters in a schedule or key schedule need to be picked from a list of available ones.  It is only too easy to create new parameters by typing in names that seem to have the same name as system parameters - you won't know which is which, as they appear together in lists.  It is only when you start populating them or using them in (key) schedules when you realise your mistake.
For this reason it is really important never to create your own parameters that are the same name as system (or shared) parameters.  With shared parameters it is a little easier as you can go into the definition and check if it was shared or not.

Rule no. 2:  

Once you use a system parameter in one key schedule, it cannot be used in other key schedules of the same category

When you first create a key schedule, you get a list of available fields on the left.  This is a jumble of system parameters and project parameters that you might have created (but not shared parameters).  Because the list is radically different for each category (and varies with subsequent key schedules), I never realised the significance of that list

Rule no. 3:  

Different categories allow different system parameters to be used in key schedules.  There is no rhyme or reason as to which ones will work - you just have to know.  For most categories it is just "Comments".

Categories that do not allow any system parameters in a key schedule include:
  • Grids 
  • Levels

Categories that allow 'Comments' as a system parameter in a key schedule include (NB. I only checked the ones that show up when listing "Architecture" categories):
  • Assemblies
  • Casework
  • Ceilings
  • Columns
  • Curtain Panels
  • Curtain Systems
  • Curtain Wall Mullions
  • Detail Items
  • Electrical Fixtures
  • Entourage
  • Floors
  •      Floor Slab Edges
  • Furniture
  • Furniture Systems
  • Generic Models
  • Lighting Fixtures
  • Mass
  •      Mass subcategories (I only checked Mass Floors)
  • Mechanical Equipment
  • Parking
  • Parts
  • Planting
  • Railings
  •      Handrails
  •      Supports
  •      Top Rails
  • Ramps
  • Roofs
  •      Fascias
  •      Gutters
  •      Roof Soffits
  • Site
  •      Pads
  •      Property line segments
  •      Property Lines
  • Specialty Equipment
  • Stairs
  •      Landings
  •      Runs
  •      Supports
  • Structural Beam Systems
  • StructuralColumns
  • Structural  Connections
  • Structural Foundations
  • Structural Framing
  • Structural Rebar
  • Structural Stiffeners
  • Topography
  • Walls
  •     Wall Sweeps
  • Windows
Categories that allow multiple system parameter in a key schedule include: 
  • Areas
         Wow, the programmers really spoiled us by allowing the use of the Name System Parameter - but don't get too excited because this has to be shared across all Area Schemes.  So if you use it for a Rentable Area Key Schedule, it will not be available for a Gross Building Area key schedule
  • Doors
         Out of all the 40+ door system parameters, they gave us those!  How useful.
  • Electrical Equipment
          It looks like the Electrical engineers are being favoured for a change.  But not the mechanical engineers who only get 'Comments' for their equipment.
  • Plumbing Fixtures
  • Rooms
Now this should give us something to work with - although we only get text and material parameters, that should be very useful as those are the ones we most likely want to tag.  I can't imagine wanting to put the finishes into a key schedule as most likely each room could have different finishes - but if you have say a hospital where there are many similar rooms, you might create a key schedule of room types, and those could have preset finishes in a key schedule?
The list of categories/system parameters above is not comprehensive - structural and MEP engineers will need to do some inestigation on the categories that do not show up when the list is restricted to "Architecture" categories.


Well, at least we do have some system parameters we can use in Key Schedules.  However the list is very limited, so use them wisely - plan your schedules and tagging needs before you start creating key schedules.  Don't forget that if you have multiple key schedules for a category, the available system parameters can only be used once per category (not once per key schedule).

An example of when you might use one of these precious system parameters could be for rooms or areas - naming the apartment type as say '1 BED' or '2 BED'.  This value could then appear in a schedule, a tag and in properties.  Associated with each apartment type could be all sorts of standards such as minimum areas, rates and parking requirements etc - these would only appear in schedules and properties (and they could be there just for use in calculations).  Things you would not include in the key schedule would be unique information that varies per room or area.

Posted by Parametric Culture

When you load the family into a project and attempt to dimension to it, the strong reference planes with have preference over the weak ones. So if you hover over the element and there is a strong and weak reference plane in close proximity, the tool will snap to the strong one and you'll have to tab to get to the weak one.

If you assign an instance length parameter to reference planes in a family (so you get shape handles in a project environment), the strong and weak ones will behave differently once loaded into a project too. Once loaded into the project, aligning the strong reference plane to an element will stretch the family, whilst aligning the weak reference plane will move the entire family to that element without altering that instance parameter.

Posted by Parametric Culture
Create a Family with Nested and Shared Components

To create a family with nested and shared components, share the families before you nest them in a host family. The host family does not need to be a shared family.

When you create a nested family of shared components, the first decision you need to make is in what category the host family will belong. This decision has many downstream implications for tagging, scheduling, and ODBC information, as described in the examples below.

Window Family Example

A ganged window unit is created as a nested and shared family. In this case, the large center window was used as the host family and the 2 side windows were nested as shared families. This window is intended to be built on-site using the subcomponents that are purchased as separate units by the builder. The family was saved as Triple_window.rfa.

Nested windows

When the ganged unit shown above is loaded into a project, tagged, and scheduled, the result is as follows:

Nested and shared families loaded into a project

Notice that each window is tagged and scheduled separately. However, notice the ganged window name, Triple _window, is listed with the subcomponents. This window also represents the main window of the 3 window set.

In the example shown below, the same triple window family was created, but with a new window family used as the host family and both the fixed window and the double-hung windows loaded as shared families. Notice the difference in the tagging and scheduling.

Ganged window family started as a new family

In the example shown above, notice the host family schedules with each of the 3 subcomponent windows. If this is not your design intent, you should follow the previous example, where one of the subcomponents is the host family.

Bathroom Unit Example

A bathroom unit is created as a nested and shared family. The commercial toilet was used as the host family and the wall hung urinal and sink were nested as shared families. The family was saved as mens_bathroom.rfa

Nested urinal and lavatory sink

When the bathroom unit shown above is loaded into a project and scheduled, the result is as follows:

Nested and shared families loaded into a project

Notice that each urinal and lavatory sink is scheduled separately. However, notice that the mens_bathroom unit, is listed with the subcomponents.

To share a family before nesting it

  1. Open a family to be shared, and click Create tabProperties panel (Family Category and Parameters).
    Attention: Annotation, profile, and in-place families cannot be shared families.
  2. In the Family Category and Parameters dialog, under Family Parameters, select Shared.

    Although you can set most families as shared families, it only becomes relevant when the family is nested into another family and loaded into a project.

  3. Click OK.
  4. Save and close the family.

To nest shared families in a host family

  1. Open the host family or start a new family.
  2. Open the families that you want to nest, and share them.
  3. Load and place a nested component within the host family.
  4. Repeat this process for each nested component.
  5. Save the family.

Posted by Parametric Culture

Creating Vertical Families

You can create vertical or non-vertical families. This option pertains only to families hosted by walls, floors, ceilings, roofs, and site surfaces. You can set a family component, such as a tree or a chandelier, to Always Vertical; once loaded into a project, the component remains vertical regardless of the slope of the host. In the case of a car or a park bench, you can set the Always Vertical option to No; this allows the car and the park bench to adapt to the slope of the host.

NOTE: The Always Vertical parameter does not apply to families created in non host-based templates.

Example of Vertical and Non-Vertical Families; 3 trees are set to Always Vertical, 2 trees are not.

To set the always vertical parameter for a family

1 In the Family Editor, click Settings menu ➤ Family Category and Parameters.

2 Select the check box to enable the Always Vertical parameter.

3 Click OK.

Posted by Parametric Culture

Cuttable and Non-Cuttable Family Categories

Cuttable Families

If a family is cuttable, the family displays as cut when the cut plane of a view intersects that family in all types of views.

In the Family Element Visibility Settings dialog, there is an option called When cut in Plan/RCP. This option determines if family geometry is shown when the cut plane intersects that family. For example, in door families, the geometry for plan swing is set to be shown when the door is cut in plan views and not shown when the door is not cut.

This option is never made available and is never selected for non-cuttable families. For some cuttable families, the option is made available, and you can select it. For other cuttable families, the option is never made available, but it is always selected.

The following table lists cuttable families and whether the option is made available for that family.

Non-Cuttable Families

The following families are not cuttable and are always shown in projection in views:

■ Balusters

■ Detail Items

■ Electrical Equipment

■ Electrical Fixtures

■ Entourage

■ Furniture

■ Furniture Systems

■ Lighting Fixtures

■ Mechanical Equipment

■ Parking

■ Planting

■ Plumbing Fixtures

■ Specialty Equipment

Posted by Parametric Culture

REVIT Parameter Types

Posted by Parametric Culture

Inventor란 무엇인가?

Autodesk Inventor는 오토데스크에서 Solidwork를 대상으로 경쟁적으로 만든 소프트웨어이며, 주로 제품디자인, 플란트디자인, 건축 파사드 디자인 등에 사용되는 파라메트릭 디자인툴이다. 물론 디자인뿐만 아니라 Information Modeling을 할수 있어 필요한 정보를 저장하고, 모든 시스템을 파라메트릭 시스템으로 설정하여 언제든지 정보및 모델을 변경하기 쉽다. 뿐만아니라, 2016년부터는 Autodesk Nastran in CAD등의 활용으로 Non-leaner Stress Analysis도 가능하여 엔지니어들에게 그 활용도가 더 확장되었다. 디자인 툴로서도 기존의 프리폼 디자인 툴의 기능이 T-spline의 기능을 거의 100프로 활용하게 되어, 프리폼 디자인에도 활용도가 높아졌다. 최근에는 Revit과의 연동성이 좋아져, 복잡한 파사드 디자인에 활용되고 있다.


출처 Click 하세요.

출처 Click 하세요.


Posted by Parametric Culture

Create a Type Catalog

A type catalog lists all of the types in a family, allowing you to select and load only the types you need for the current project, resulting in a smaller project file size.

To create a type catalog, you create an external text file (TXT) that contains the parameters and parameter values that create the different types in a specific family. You place this file in the same location as the family file so that when you select to load the family, the type catalog displays.


  • Create type catalogs for families that contain 6 or more types.
  • Parameter names are case sensitive.
  • For system parameters, the parameter within the family must have a value previously defined for the type to load the value from the catalog properly.
  • To have inch marks display in the type name, you must include 2 double quote symbols in the type catalog (see table).
    To display the type name...In the type catalog, enter...
    48" x 60"
    48"" x 60""
    3' - 6"
    3' - 6""

The easiest way to create a type catalog is to use the Export Family Types tool on an existing family. Using this tool, you create the base type catalog and then modify the text file in a text editor.

Create a type catalog using the Export Family Types tool

  1. Open a family that contains all of the parameters and data for one or more of the base types.
    Note: Only parameters that have values in the family are exported to the type catalog.
  2. Click Export (Family Types).
  3. In the Export As dialog, verify that the type catalog has the same name as the family, but with a .txt extension, and that it will be saved in the same directory as the family file.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Open the .txt file in a text editor.
    The first line in the text file is the parameter declaration. The syntax will be similar to the following:
    The first character of the first line in the file is the delimiter. This character is used to separate each parameter definition.
    Defines a parameter in the family (Parameter Name##Parameter Type##Units).
  6. Define additional parameters as needed, making sure to use the delimiter and syntax specified.
  7. Review the second line in the type catalog. This line defines the first type. For example, the syntax for a type could be similar to the following:
    Type name.
    A comma is used to separate the type name from the list of parameter values, and is also a delimiter for each parameter.
    Length parameter value = 36, Width parameter value = 12, Height parameter value = 36
  8. Duplicate the type syntax, and modify the type name and parameter values to create additional types in the catalog.
    The following table includes a sample of the types of parameters supported in a type catalog.
    Type of ParameterParameter DeclarationNotes
    Yes/Noparam_name##OTHER##Defined as 1 or 0 with 1 equaling Yes and 0 equaling No.
    <Family Type>param_name##OTHER##Family name:type name with no file extension
    Metadata parameters :
    Type CommentsType Comments##OTHER## 
    Assembly CodeAssembly Code##OTHER## 

Sample text file and type catalog

    Following is a sample type catalog TXT file:
    When loading the corresponding family in a project, you would see the following type catalog:

A type catalog is an external text file (TXT) that contains the parameters and their values that create the different types in a specific family.

Following is a sample type catalog TXT file:




When loading the corresponding family, you would see the following type catalog:

There are several ways to create a comma-delimited .txt file. You can type it in using a text editor like Notepad, or you can use database or spreadsheet software to automate the process.

You can export your project to a database using ODBC, and then download the element type tables in comma-delimited format. See Exporting to ODBC in the Revit Architecture 2009 Help.

As you create the type catalog, follow these rules:

■ Save the type catalog file name with a .txt extension; the file must have the same name and same directory path as the Revit Architecture family, for example, Doors/door.rfa and Doors/door.txt.

■ The left column lists types.

■ The top row of the file is for parameter declaration. Format is columnname##type##unit.

■ Use decimals.

■ Parameter names are case sensitive.

■ You can use single or double quotes. If you are using double quotes, you need to enter "" for Revit Architecture to understand it as double quotes.

■ Valid unit types are length, area, volume, angle, force, and linear force.

■ Valid units: Valid units and suffixes:

■ For length: inches ("), feet ('), millimeters (mm), centimeters (cm), or meters (m).

■ For area: square_feet (SF), square_inches (in2), square_meters (m2), square_centimeters (cm2), square_millimeters (mm2), acres, or hectares.

■ For volume: cubic_yards (CY), cubic_feet (CF), cubic_inches (in3), cubic_centimeters (cm3),

cubic_millimeters (mm3), liters (L), gallons (gal).

■ For angle: decimal_degrees (°), minutes ('), seconds (").

■ For force: newtons (N), decanewtons (daN), kilonewtons (kN), meganewtons (MN), kips (kip),

kilograms_force (kgf), tonnes_force (Tf), and pounds (P).

■ For linear force: newtons_per_meter (N/m), decanewtons_per_meter (dan/m), kilonewtons_per_meter (kN/m), meganewtons_per_meter (MN/m), kips_per_foot (kip/ft), kilograms_force_per_meter (kgf/m), tonnes_force_per_meter (Tf/m), pounds_per_foot (P/ft).

■ You can enter a value for parameters of type Family Type. To declare the Family Type parameter in the parameter declaration, you would enter column-name##other##. The column name is the same as the Family Type parameter name. In the type catalog file, enter values as Family Name : Family Type. Be sure there are spaces before and after the colon. So for a family file called Chair-Executive.rfa with a type called Big Boss, you would enter Chair-Executive : Big Boss. If the family file has only one type, and it is the same name as the family, you do not need to include the Family Name.

■ Revit Architecture applies project unit settings to type catalogs when loading a family.

Posted by Parametric Culture

Lookup table

Lookup tables are used to define parameter values in an external comma-separated values (CSV) file.

This lets you specify multiple part sizes that are based on a table without creating a separate family type for each size. Revit provides a size_lookup function that can be used to read the necessary values from a CSV file.

Data from lookup tables for is stored within the family and use the size_lookup function. See Managing Lookup Tables. For upgraded projects, you can define the location of lookup table files with the LookupTableLocation parameter in the Revit.ini file. Folders are created for each type of content installed.

Note: The Revit.ini file is located in this folder: %APPDATA%\Autodesk\Revit\<product name and release>

Lookup tables are used in conjunction with type catalogs. For information about creating type catalogs, see Creating a Type Catalog.

The syntax for the size_lookup function uses the following format:

result=size_lookup(LookupTableName, LookupColumn, DefaultIfNotFound, LookupValue1, LookupValue2, ..., LookupValueN)

resultthe returned value.
LookupTableNamethe name of the CSV file to lookup.
LookupColumnthe name of the column from which the result value is to be returned.
DefaultIfNotFoundthe value that will be returned if LookupValue is not found.
LookupValue(1-N)the value to find in the first, second, and subsequent columns of the table. (When looking up values, the first column is skipped.)
  • The size_lookup function provides the ability to look up numerical values only.
  • The size_lookup function is intended for instance parameters. If you want to use tabular data to define types with unique values for each type, see Creating a Type Catalog.

Posted by Parametric Culture

Family Types Dialog - Lock Parameter

This concept showed up a couple releases ago if I recall correctly. I'm referring to this bugger:

The help file says:
    "You can maintain the parametric relationships between labeled dimensions by locking them. To lock a dimension directly in the drawing area, click next to the dimension."
    "When a labeled dimension is locked, all of the associated parameters also lock. This means that as the dimensions are moved in the drawing area, the associated parameters are constrained and the dimension value is preserved."
    "Note: Locked dimensions and their associated parameters cannot be changed in the drawing area. Use the Lock column in the Family Types dialog to change them."
    "When a labeled dimension is unlocked, all of the referenced geometry unlocks and is unconstrained."
    "To lock a labeled dimension from the Family Types dialog
    • Click a dimension in the drawing area.
    • Click Modify | Dimensions tab | Properties panel Family Types.
    • Select Lock to constrain a parameter."

Posted by Parametric Culture